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Pure lime and mixed mortars for use in restoration

Calcinor products have recently been used during two days of Technical Conferences in Granada (Spain), organized by Hidrocal, which looked-into the application of pure lime and mixed mortars; with special attention paid to their application in the field of la restoration.

These workshops were attended by expert restorers who were able to work with different mortars and traditional lime coatings, moreover, the Director of the Patronato de Alhambra y Generalife de Granada also took part.

At this moment, the need to renovate and restore ancient works and monuments has brought a proliferation in the use of lime or mixed based mortars because lime is the most compatible conglomerate.

Builders in Roman times used a mix made up initially of lime, sand and water to join and fill the space between stones or bricks, as well as to smooth surfaces and to protect facing, examples of which have survived to the present day.

But in the middle of the 20th century the use of cement mortars became more widespread, however, its higher rate of shrinkage, cracking and mechanical stiffness meant that there was a return to the use of hydrated aerial lime in the manufacture of mortars, either as the only conglomerate (pure lime mortar) or in mixtures (mixed mortars), for application on interior surfaces (plaster) and exterior (grouting), in brick factories, buildings, restoration of monuments, etc. And so that is why the use of pure lime and mixed mortars in restoration is once again widespread.

The Hidrocal Technical Conference was split into two sessions: the first tackled the techniques and application of Hidrocal mixed mortars onto different facings, and the second concentrated on the techniques and application of pure-lime mortars with different finishes from traditional lime coatings.

For Calcinor, being able to participate in this type of conferences with our products is always a chance to show how suitable lime is for use in the restoration and conservation of our cultural heritage, and doing so in the Alhambra in Granada along with Hidrocal was a nice way to strengthen what is already a well-established relationship.



