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ANDALUZA DE CALES S.A. receives the award from the Morón Businessmen`s Association

Presentation of the award to the ANCASA team during the XX Morón Business Forum.

During its XX BUSINESS FORUM back in November 2018, the Morón Businessmen`s Association awarded a prize to Cales S.A (ANCASA), our company in Andalusia, in the “Consolidated Company” category.

This award is for a path that was first trodden way back in 1969 at a mine located in the borough of Morón de la Frontera (province of Seville) that made quicklime. But it was in the 80`s when the company ANDALUZA DE CALES S.A. really found its feet, when it became part of the CALCINOR business group.

From that moment on, and for the following decades, the activity at ANCASA concentrated on exploiting the deposits of high-quality limestone and the production of lime for the metal, mining and construction sectors. In the first few years of the 21st century a period of diversification began with the production of calcinated products derived from Dolomites in response to the demands of the metal industry.

Nowadays ANCASA is betting on the quality of its lime products and the sustainability of its business, showing a special interest in the effects that the company`s activities have on the local environment and surroundings.

A noteworthy example of this good practice is the fact that ANCASA exports high-quality products to three continents.

This award proves that the company has made the right choice regarding its development, becoming the leading manufacturer of calcinated products in the Andalusian region. For that reason, we send them our warmest congratulations.



