Calmit is the joint venture company between Calcinor and Baumit in Central Europe for lime market.

In Slovakia, the partnership is set in Calmit Eslovaquia (CSK). This enterprise, in turn, is a product by merger of three production plants situated at the West (Zirany), centre (Tisovec) and East (Margecany) part of the country, together with administrative offices in Bratislava.

It was in 2000 when operations started for this partnership, which has been grown in importance over time, joining on 2005 the company CLL, engaged to micronised calcium carbonate from its production centre of Lietavska Lucka providing five mills.

Modernisation of their facilities has been gradually since 2001, being their most important milestone the construction in 2009 at Tisovec plant a calcinating kiln for fine grading of Cimprogetti brand, equipped with the leading-edge energy and environmental technology.